
Limbrick Wood Primary School

Learning and Growing Together


Uniform Information


  • Grey or black trousers – long or short.
  • Red polo shirt.
  • Red jumper, sweatshirt or fleece with or without school logo.



  • Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
  • Red polo shirt
  • Red jumper, sweatshirt or fleece with or without school logo
  • Red or white check summer dress


Footwear:   ~ black sensible shoes (no trainers, no heels)


P.E. Kit:      ~ White t-shirt

                  ~ Black shorts/black jogging bottoms

                  ~ Black plimsolls or trainers


We sell some items in school, please see the price list below:

Sweatshirts (size 22 - 32) - £11.00

Sweatshirts (size 34 - large) - £13.00

Fleeces (sizes 3 - 12 years) - £18.00

Fleeces (sizes XS - XL) - £21.00

Coats - £20.00

Book Bags - £6.00

P.E. Bags - £6.00
